Clinics at Bridgend Group Practice

Most clinics run by appointment only. If you are not sure whether you need an appointment with a GP, Nurse or Clinician, please call your surgery for advice.

Scheduled Clinics

  8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00
Monday     INR Clinic, Ashfield                      
Asthma, Diabetic and Family Planning Clinics
Tuesday                     Well Baby Clinic              
Asthma, Diabetic and Family Planning Clinics
Wednesday     INR Clinic, Newcastle                      
Asthma, Diabetic and Family Planning Clinics
Thursday     INR Clinic, Ashfield                      
Asthma, Diabetic and Family Planning Clinics
Friday Asthma, Diabetic and Family Planning Clinics

Asthma and Diabeticc Clinics

Asthma and Diabetic patients can now be seen throughout the day; appointments are available from 8.30am to 6.00pm with the nurses.

Family Planning

This takes place in normal surgery.

Health Promotion

If you are over 75 we recommend that you have a health check annually. If you are aged between 16 – 74 and have not been for a health check for three years we recommend that you make an appointment to visit our practice nurse.


We are keen to prevent illness: every three years you should have your blood pressure checked, have your urine checked for sugar, get weighed and update routine tetanus and polio vaccinations.