Mental Health


Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure.


Anxiety is a feeling of fear, unease or worry. Most people feel anxious at some point in their lives, but for some people it can be an on-going problem, which is when you need to get help.

Panic attacks

Panic attacks are a feeling of sudden or intense anxiety. They are not harmful but can be quite scary for those experiencing them.

Video support

It can sometimes help to hear other people’s experiences. Read Jo’s story amongst others, here.


Pressure is not a bad thing and many of us deal with pressure in our lives every day. However, it’s when you feel unable to cope with the pressure that stress occurs. Everyone deals with things differently so this tipping point is different for everyone.

Understand more about stress and the triggers for yourself by clicking here.

If you think you are experiencing stress there is many things you can do to help yourself. Read tips here on how to reduce stress.

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

The symptoms of anxiety hugely vary from having trouble sleeping or concentrating, feeling irritable or even feeling tearful.

There are also more physical symptoms such as a fast heart rate and feeling sick. All symptoms should not be ignored. If you think you are suffering from anxiety, learn more about the symptoms here.

If you are unsure of how you feel and want to understand more clearly how you actually feel click here to access the NHS mood checker – a helpful tool.


Panic attacks

Panic attacks are a feeling of sudden or intense anxiety. They are not harmful but can be quite scary for those experiencing them.

Learn how to deal with panic attacks here.

Word from our GP

 Identifying the signs of stress and anxiety early is key to avoiding more serious complications such as high blood pressure.

Dr Huw Parry, Riversdale Surgery

Things to remember

You cannot always prevent stress, but there is lots you can do to manage it!

Children can suffer from stress and anxiety just like adults, so keep an eye in your child. Learn more about anxiety in children here.

Local Support

Grapevines Bridgend provide information on services that have been set up to provide help for people with mental health or emotional problems.