Are you ready to Lose the lockdown weight?

With just over 3 months left to go until lockdown restrictions are lifted on 23rd June and socialising can resume, many people will be starting to think about losing the extra weight gained over lockdown.

Priority Groups

The priority risk groups for receiving the vaccine are as follows…

Time to get Walking

Being aware of increasingly sedentary habits is the first step to purposefully getting up and moving more. This article looks at ways to become more active by walking more.

Changes to the No Smoking Laws in Wales

PYB Health would like to remind our patients and the wider community that as of 1st March new laws will be in place across Wales that build on the smoking ban first introduced in 2007.

2020 in review

A look back at our journey through this very strange year.

A new local walk to enjoy

We are really pleased to be able to share with you details of a new local walking route for you to enjoy.