The Sanctuary Foundation is offering a free course in Safeguarding and Trauma for hosts and volunteers working with Ukrainian refugees in Bridgend.
To celebrate and support the fantastic work ongoing to support Ukrainian refugees, this brand new and free course has been created to help with the Ukrainian refugee hosting scheme.
Many of us in Bridgend may be facing challenges with the new experience of hosting and The Sanctuary Foundation would like to show gratitude on behalf of the Ukrainian refugees, by helping Bridgend gain an insight into safe guarding, trauma and cross cultural work.
So far over 1300 people have started learning and the feedback is very positive.
The course can help you keep Ukrainians feeling safe and supported in your home and Bridgend.
To take part and start learning, please click here.
The Sanctuary Foundation is delighted to partner with Save the Children, Choose Love, Refugee Education UK, Dr Max Davies, ThirtyOne Eight and many others to bring experts, hosts and Ukrainian refugee insights together.