There are a lot of misconceptions about ADHD so here at PYB Health we have put together our top 6 things to know about ADHD.
1) ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
It is a common disorder that up until recently was thought to be a childhood issue that affects focus, self-control and other important skills. It has now been recognises as an adult problem as well and it is caused by an imbalance in the brains anatomy and wiring.
2) ADHD is not an excuse for challenging or poor behaviour.
It does offer however, an explanation why some children struggle in some aspects of home and school life. Many schools now employ ‘brain friendly’ styles of teaching and learning, including the implementation of the ‘Social and emotional aspects of learning’ (SEALS) initiative. Increasingly educationalists recognise that the genetic imperative in the developing child is relationship driven – and therefore, positive nurturing relationships with parents, siblings, peers and teachers all contribute to the emotional development that underpins ‘intellectual development’. Happy children are better learners and grow in confidence and the emotional resilience needed to navigate their way through childhood into adulthood.
3) ADHD is not an indicator of a child’s level of intelligence.
The characteristics of ADHD can often mean that children may struggle with areas of concentration, inattention and impulsivity within the classroom, which in turn, can impact on them accessing their learning and education.
4) Albert Einstein, Mozart and Leonardo da Vinci successfully managed their ADHD
It is important to know that some of the most successful and intelligent people have ADHD.
5) ADHD is a lifelong condition
There is a lessening of ADHD symptoms over time, particularly the signs of hyperactivity, which are much less common in most adolescents. Some research suggests that as many as 60% of young people with ADHD will have persistent impulsive behaviours and lack of focus and inattention in adulthood. Without early intervention, and teaching parents, children and professionals how to manage their ADHD, there is an increased risk of school failure, mental health difficulties and problems accessing further education or employment.
6) Scientists have discovered a genetic link that predisposes a child to ADHD
A lead researcher from Cardiff University School of medicine says that ADHD is a genetic disease and that the brains of children with this condition develop differently to those of other children. Previous research has shown that siblings of a child with ADHD are between four and five times more likely to have ADHD themselves. There is also evidence that many parents of children with ADHD had undiagnosed ADHD themselves.